陳寶挺先生從事攝影藝術達四十余年,自上世紀七十年代的中學時期開始,就對攝影藝術產生了濃厚的興趣。當時就帶著所擁有的第一部海鷗牌黑白照相機熱衷於人物,風光和動物的攝影,夢想成為一位攝影藝術家。七十年代移居美國後,更是數十年如一日,鍥而不舍,從未間斷對攝影藝術的追求。 其攝影生涯經歷了早期的黑白照相機, 到彩色135單反相機, 更新至中幅, 大幅底片相機, 到現在的數碼相機。他的攝影足跡也從中國,美國,延伸至世界各大洲,曾數十次深入南北極,非洲大陸和南美熱帶雨林。
為了能拍攝到所有南極洲的八種企鵝,陳寶挻先生曾三次乘坐破冰船橫渡地球上氣候最惡劣的德雷克海峽(Drake Passage) 進入南極洲;七次在寒冬時節深入北極洲冰天雪地的無人區拍攝北極熊媽媽攜帶初次破洞而出的幼崽沐浴第一道陽光;三次踏上非洲大陸的塞倫盖蒂國家公園和馬賽馬拉大草原,為成千上萬野生動物大遷移的驚心動魄的場面留下了珍貴的作品;他不畏南美洲的劇毒昆蟲與蛇蟲,無數次穿梭雨林地帶拍攝到三十多種蜂鳥; 為了拍攝孟加拉虎,冒着120°F 度的酷暑進入印度偏遠的老虎棲息地,與當地原住民同食宿,其間曾水土不服,并燒壞單反相機;還多次遠赴挪威北疆屬地,斯瓦尔巴島(Svalbard) 搭載由二戰遺留下的陳舊小型貨船改造的遊艇穿梭於萬年冰川之間尋找出沒在浮冰之間的北極熊。陳寶挻先生對野生動物攝影的專注和狂熱,達到了痴迷的程度。
陳寶挺先生的作品曾多次入圍并斬獲多項國際大賽的金奬。三次榮獲美國攝影學會PSA 金牌;三次獲得美國Smithsonian 史密斯·萊斯自然最佳攝影入圍獎和兩次獲得英國自然歷史博物館攝影比賽入圍獎。
Baoting Chen, Photographer, New York, USA.
Born in 1962 in Changle, Fujian, China
Baoting Chen has been an avid photographer for more than 40 years, first developing an interest in the medium during middle school in the 1970s. Armed with the first camera he ever owned - a black and white Seagull - he became especially passionate about portrait, landscape, and wildlife photography. From this young age, Mr. Chen dreamt of becoming a fine-art photographer. After immigrating to the United States in the 1970s, he began a decade-long, persevering and uninterrupted pursuit of photography. His career has evolved with the trends of technology - from early black-and-white cameras, to color 135 SLR cameras, to medium and large format cameras and finally, to digital cameras in the present day. His photographic footprint extends from China and the United States to every continent in the world, with a particular focus on the Arctic, as well as African and South American rainforests.
Mr. Chen’s dedicated focus to wildlife photography has reached an obsessive level as he traverses the globe to hone his craft. To capture the perfect image of all eight penguins in Antarctica, Mr. Chen crossed the infamously choppy waters of the Drake Passage to enter Antarctica on three separate occasions. Seven times, in an unmanned area of the Arctic continent, Mr. Chen has also photographed the mother polar bear mother as she carries her cubs to bathe in the sunshine for the first time. Additionally, he has captured the thrilling migration of thousands of wild animals in the Serengeti National Park and the Masai Mara Prairie on the African continent. Undeterred by the threat of poisonous insects and snakes in South America, Mr. Chen has also photographed more than 30 species of hummingbirds in numerous rainforests. To shoot images of Bengal tigers, he endured 120°F heat to enter the remote tiger habitats of India, even living with the local Aboriginal people in the area and risking heat damage to his SLR cameras. Finally, Mr. Chen has also traveled to the northern territories of Norway several times, during which he traveled on a modified cargo ship to seekpolar bears between the glaciers.
As a result of his long career in photography, Mr. Chen has created a large number of outstanding works, including wildlife - specifically birds - and natural scenery to develop his own unique artistic style. At the same time, he has improved his skills of analyzing the surrounding environment to grasp the image’s characteristics and frame the moments, making his works both vivid and eye-catching to capture the subjects’ form and spirit.
Mr. Chen's work has been recognized several times and he has won several gold medals in international competitions. Most notably, he received the PSA Gold Medal of the American Photographic Society three times and was a three-time semi-finalist for the Smithsonian Smith Rice Natural Best Photo Award three times, as well as a two-time semi-finalist for the British Natural History Museum Photography Competition.